Chapter 32

Using VBScript to Enhance Your Web Pages

by William Robert Stanek


Now that you know VBScript basics and have learned about procedures, it's time to move on to the really fun stuff-putting VBScript to work in your Web pages. This chapter covers HTML controls, input boxes, and dynamic writing to pages with VBScript.

With HTML controls, you can create interactive buttons, text areas, checkboxes, and much more. Because VBScript takes advantage of existing HTML controls, you can easily perform complex tasks, such as validating form input. You can even submit your input to a server for processing after validation. Beyond HTML controls are dialog boxes that accept input and scripts that can make dynamic updates to your pages.

Learning About HTML Controls

By combining form elements with a script, you can easily create highly interactive Web pages. For example, to add a button to your page, just use the following line of code:


When you use the <INPUT> tag to execute scripts in your page, you're using intrinsic HTML controls. These controls are intrinsic because they're built into standard HTML. Controls you can use with VBScript include buttons, text fields, text areas, radio buttons, and checkboxes. Other form element tags you can use with VBScript include <SELECT> and <TEXTAREA>.

Although you can use the same attributes for these tags you learned about earlier in Chapter 27, "Form Creation and Design," VBScript uses the attributes in unique ways and adds some new attributes, too. Table 32.1 shows a summary of the common attributes.

Table 32.1. Common attributes for HTML controls.

AttributeDescription Example
chECKED The control, such as a radio button or checkbox, is checked when first displayed chECKED
DEFAULTVALUE The default value for a text or text area control DEFAULTVALUE="The beginning "
ENABLED This attribute is used during testing to enable or disable a control. The default value is ENABLED=TRUE. ENABLED=FALSE
FORM The name of the form to which the control relates FORM="subForm"
LANGUAGE The scripting language usedLANGUAGE="VBScript"
NAME The name of the control you're adding to the screen; often used to invoke events. NAME=cmdButton
TYPE The type of control you're adding to the page TYPE=BUTTON
VALUE The label for the controlVALUE="Click Me!"

Using Button Controls

Buttons are one of the coolest controls to add to your page. You can add them anywhere in your page by using the <INPUT> tag and an element type of TYPE=BUTTON.

With button controls, you can boost the fun level of your pages. Figure 32.1 shows a page with three button controls. By passing a parameter from the button to a subroutine call, the same routine can be used to handle input from multiple buttons. Listing 32.1 shows the complete markup for the sample page.

Listing 32.1. Using button controls.



<TITLE>Adding Buttons Controls to Your Pages</TITLE>


H2  {font: 40pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}




<H2>Using Button Controls</H2>



<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Button One"

LANGUAGE="VBScript" OncLICK="DisplayDialog 1">

<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Button2" VALUE="Button Two"

LANGUAGE="VBScript" OncLICK="DisplayDialog 2">

<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Button3" VALUE="Button Three"

LANGUAGE="VBScript" OncLICK="DisplayDialog 3">

<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Button4" VALUE="Button Four"

LANGUAGE="VBScript" OncLICK="DisplayDialog 4">





Sub DisplayDialog(buttonValue)

     Msgbox "When you clicked on button # " & buttonValue & _

                   " a parameter was passed to the DisplayDialog subroutine."

End Sub





Figure 32.1 : Adding button controls to your pages.

By examining the code shown in Listing 32.1, you can learn many things about how buttons are used in Web pages. The following line sets a button on the page with an initial value and a name:


For finer control over the button, assign a procedure to execute when the button is clicked by using the OncLICK attribute. You can follow the procedure name with parameters in a comma-separated list. When this button is clicked, one parameter is passed to a procedure called DisplayDialog:

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Button One"

LANGUAGE="VBScript" OncLICK="DisplayDialog 1">

The main body of the script in the page is a subroutine called displayDialog:

Sub DisplayDialog(buttonValue)

     Msgbox "When you clicked on button # " & buttonValue & _

                   " a parameter was passed to the DisplayDialog subroutine."

End Sub

The routine accepts a parameter so that it can be used to display messages about any of the buttons being clicked. Although parameter passing is right for some input handling, many times you want each button on the page to drive related and unique events. Following this scenario, the displayDialog subroutine would be rewritten as four event-driven subroutines:

Sub Button1_OnClick

     Insert code to handle click on Button1

End Sub

Sub Button2_OnClick

     Insert code to handle click on Button2

End Sub

Sub Button3_OnClick

     Insert code to handle click on Button3

End Sub

Sub Button4_OnClick

     Insert code to handle click on Button4

End Sub

Other events, methods, and attributes you can use with buttons are shown in Table 32.2.

Table 32.2. Button attributes, events, and methods.

AttributesEvents Methods
Enabled OnClickClick
Form OnFocusFocus

Using Text Controls

With text controls, you can boost interactivity. A text control allows users to input one line of data. You can add a text control anywhere in your page by using the <INPUT> tag and an element type of TYPE=TEXT. Because TYPE=TEXT is the default for the <INPUT> tag, you might see this tag used without a TYPE attribute. The markup <INPUT NAME=txtEntry> is the same as

At the click of a button, your script can display an immediate response to a user's text entry. (See Figure 32.2.) The source code for the sample page is shown in Listing 32.2.

Listing 32.2. Using text controls.



<TITLE>All About Text Controls</TITLE>


H2  {font: 40pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}




<H2>Using Text Controls</H2>

<P>With text controls, you can boost interactivity to the max. A text control

 allow users to input one line of data. As soon as the user presses the enter

 key or a submission button, your script can display a response.</P>



<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Display Entry" NAME="displayButton">


<HR SIZE=10>


<!--  Option Explicit

Sub displayButton_OnClick

     Msgbox "You entered: " & funText.Value

End Sub





Figure 32.2 : Adding text controls to your pages.

If you examine the code shown in Listing 32.2, you can see how text controls are used in Web pages. Because text controls are normally used with buttons, two lines of markup are needed:


<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Display Entry" NAME="displayButton">

The first line of markup places the text control on the page. As you can see, you can use any of the valid attributes for text input fields with text controls. The SIZE attribute determines the width of the input field, and the MAXLENGTH attribute sets the maximum number of characters the user can enter. The script embedded in the page includes a single event-driven subroutine called displayButton_OnClick, which automatically displays a message box when the button is clicked.

To have some real fun with text controls, you need to use events directly related to what's happening with the text control itself, such as OnFocus and OnBlur. These events are driven by the user selecting different text controls on the page. (See Figure 32.3.) To direct output to the text controls, you must insert them in a named form, which allows you to target the form by using a method call. Here's an example of a named form:

<FORM NAME=coolForm>

 . . .


Figure 32.3 : Updating text controls on the page.

A named form is used in Listing 32.3 so that the text controls on the page can be updated when they're either selected or deselected.

Listing 32.3. Updating text controls.



<TITLE>Updating Text Controls</TITLE>


H2  {font: 40pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}




<H2>Updating Text Controls</H2>

<P>To have some real fun with text controls, you need to use

 events that are directly related to what is happening with the text control

 itself, such as OnFocus and OnBlur. The OnFocus and OnBlur events are driven

 by the user selecting different text controls on the page. In order to direct

 output to the text controls, you must insert them in a named form.</P>

<FORM NAME="coolForm">

<P>Text control A: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="funTextA" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25></P>

<P>Text control B: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="funTextB" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25></P>

<P>Text control C: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="funTextC" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25></P>




<!--  Option Explicit

Sub funTextA_OnFocus()

Dim form

Set form = document.coolForm

form.funTextA.Value = "Control A has focus!"

End Sub

Sub funTextA_OnBlur()

     Dim form

     Set form = document.coolForm

     form.funTextA.Value = "Control A has lost focus!"

End Sub

Sub funTextB_OnFocus()

     Dim form

     Set form = document.coolForm

     form.funTextB.Value = "Control B has focus!"

End Sub

Sub funTextB_OnBlur()

     Dim form

     Set form = document.coolForm

     form.funTextB.Value = "Control B has lost focus!"

End Sub

Sub funTextC_OnFocus()

     Dim form

     Set form = document.coolForm

     form.funTextC.Value = "Control C has focus!"

End Sub

Sub funTextC_OnBlur()

     Dim form

     Set form = document.coolForm

     form.funTextC.Value = "Control C has lost focus!"

End Sub





Events, methods, and attributes you can use with text controls are shown in Table 32.3.

Table 32.3. Text control attributes, events, and methods.


Using Radio Button and Checkbox Controls

Radio button and checkbox controls are used just as you would use their corresponding form elements. You should use radio button controls when you want users to make only one selection and checkbox controls when you want them to make several selections.

One use for radio button and checkbox controls in your Web pages is to create interactive surveys like the one shown in Figure 32.4. Take a look at Listing 32.4 to see how the survey was created.

Listing 32.4. Radio button and checkbox controls.



<TITLE>Using Radio Button Controls</TITLE>



H1  {font: 30pt Times; color: blue}

H2  {font: 20pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}

OL LI  {font: 10pt Arial; color: red}



<H1>Creating a Survey with Radio Button Controls</H1>

<P>Radio button and check box controls are used just liked you would use their

 corresponding form elements. You should use radio button controls when you

 want users to make only one selection and check box controls when you want

 users to make multiple selections.</P>

<H2>Instant Web Survey</H2>


<LI>Select your age group.<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="userAge" OnClick="setAge('under 18' )" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Under 18<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="userAge" OnClick="setAge('18-21' )" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> 18-21<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="userAge" OnClick="setAge('21-25' )" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> 21-25<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="userAge" OnClick="setAge('26-35' )" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> 26-35<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="userAge" OnClick="setAge('over 35' )" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Over 35<BR>

<LI>What do you use the Web for? (Select all that apply).<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="chECKBOX" NAME="webFun" OnClick="setWeb" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Fun<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="chECKBOX" NAME="webBus" OnClick="setWeb" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Business<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="chECKBOX" NAME="webRes" OnClick="setWeb" LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Research<BR>


<P><INPUT NAME="theResult" SIZE="65" VALUE="">




Dim tempAge

Dim tempWeb

Sub setAge(inputAge)

     tempAge = inputAge

     Call displayStatus

End Sub

Sub setWeb()

     Dim Result

     tempWeb = Result

     If webFun.Checked Then

        Result = Result & "fun "

     End If

     If webBus.Checked Then

        Result = Result & "business "

     End If

     If webRes.Checked Then

        Result = Result & "research "

     End If

tempWeb = Result

Call displayStatus

End Sub

Sub displayStatus()

     theResult.Value = "You are " & tempAge & " and use the Web for: " & tempWeb

End Sub





Figure 32.4 : Radio button and checkbox controls.

If you examine the code shown in Listing 32.4, you can see that adding radio button and checkbox controls to your page is more complex than adding other controls used previously. However, once you understand the basics of these controls, you can use them like a real pro.

When you add radio button controls, use a single name for all radio buttons in a particular group. In the example, the group userAge is used. Next, set up an event with a specific value, using OnClick. In the example, the setAge subroutine is passed these parameter values: under 18, 18-21, 21-25, 26-35, or over 35.

When you add checkbox controls, each checkbox is given a unique name. Next, you set up an event to call. In the example, the setWeb subroutine is called when a checkbox is selected. Within the subroutine, a series of If Then statements assign values to a result variable based on the checkbox's name.

The events, methods, and attributes you can use with radio button and checkbox controls are shown in Table 32.4.

Table 32.4. Radio button and checkbox attributes, events, and methods.


Using Text Window Controls

Text window controls are almost identical to text controls. The key differences are that with a text window control, users can enter more than one line of text and there's no maximum value for the input's size.

You can use text window controls to let users input large amounts of data. When you create a text window control, you define the size of the window in rows and columns. The number of rows defines the height of the window in lines, and the number of columns defines the width of the window in characters.

The tag used to add a text window control to the page is the <TEXTAREA> tag. Any text between the begin and end <TEXTAREA> tag is used as default text. You can add default text as follows:


   Insert default text here.


As shown in Figure 32.5, you can use a text window control to gather information from a user, then respond instantly. Examine Listing 32.5 to see how the control was added to the page.

Listing 32.5. Using text window controls.



<TITLE>Using Text Window Controls</TITLE>



H1  {font: 40pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}



<H1>A Text Window Control Can Gather Comments</H1>

<P>You can use text window controls to allow users to input large amounts of

 data. When you create a text window control, you define the size of the

 window in rows and columns. The number of rows defines the height of the

 window in lines. The number of columns defines the width of the window

 in characters.</P>



<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="enterComments" NAME="cmdButton"></P>



Dim tempAge

Dim tempWeb

Sub coolWindow_OnFocus()

     Alert "We welcome your comments."

End Sub

Sub cmdButton_OnClick()

     Msgbox "Thankyou!"

End Sub





Figure 32.5 : Creating text window controls.

Events, methods, and attributes you can use with text controls are shown in Table 32.5.

Table 32.5. Text window control attributes, events, and methods.


Using Password Controls

Password controls allow users to enter password information. All text entered in a password control is displayed as asterisks. You can add a password control to your page by using the <INPUT> tag and an element type of TYPE=PASSWORD. Because a password control is really a disguised text control, the options for a password control are identical to a text control's options.

Figure 32.6 shows how you can use password controls in your Web pages; Listing 32.6 shows how the control was added.

Listing 32.6. Using password controls.



<TITLE>Learning About Password Controls</TITLE>



H1  {font: 35pt Times; color: blue}

H2  {font: 25pt Times; color: red}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}



<H1>Using Password Controls</H1>

<P>Password controls allow users to enter password information. All text

 entered in a password control is seen as asterisks.</P>

<H2>Enter Your User Name and Password</H2>



<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Validate" NAME="inputButton">



Sub inputButton_OnClick()

Dim Password

Password = userPassword.Value

If Len(Password) < 8 Then

     Alert "Your password must be at least eight characters in length."

     userPassword.Value = ""

End If

End Sub





Figure 32.6 : Adding password controls to the page.

Events, methods, and attributes you can use with text controls are shown in Table 32.6.

Table 32.6. Password control attributes, events, and methods.


Submitting Input to a Server

VBScript is a powerful tool for adding interactivity to your pages. Still, there are times when you want to submit data to a server. Ideally, you would use VBScript to verify the data before submitting it, which eliminates the back-and-forth traffic between the client and server.

Submitting the contents of a VBScript-enhanced form to a server isn't much different than submitting a normal form. When you want to submit data to a server, you should insert your HTML controls in a FORM element:


METHOD="GET" LANGUAGE="VBScript" OnSubmit="SubmitFeedback">

 Insert HTML controls here.


Just as with normal forms, the FORM element has an ACTION and a METHOD. To this, you add three attributes: Name, Language, and OnSubmit. The Name attribute gives the form a name so you can refer to it with a method in your script. The optional Language attribute identifies the scripting language, and the OnSubmit attribute specifies a subroutine to execute after the form is submitted. This subroutine is generally not the one that submits the form's contents to the server; rather, it's the subroutine executed after the contents are submitted to the server.

To submit the form to a server, add a button control to the form. Within a subroutine executed when the button is clicked, add a method reference to submit the form's contents, as shown in this example:

Sub custFeedback_OnClick


End Sub

Figure 32.7 shows a VBScript-enhanced form; the code for that page is given in Listing 32.7.

Listing 32.7. Submitting input to a server.



<TITLE>Submit VBScript-Enhanced Forms to A Server</TITLE>


H1  {font: 35pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}

PRE {font: 14pt Courier; color: red;}




<H1>Submitting Your Input is Easy</H1>

<FORM NAME="frmFeedback" ACTION=""

METHOD="GET" LANGUAGE="VBScript" OnSubmit="SubmitFeedback">


Full Name:      <INPUT NAME="customerName" SIZE=30>

Street Address: <INPUT NAME="customerAddress" SIZE=30>

City:           <INPUT NAME="customerCity"SIZE=30>

State:          <INPUT NAME="customerState"SIZE=30>

Zip Code:       <INPUT NAME="customerZip"SIZE=10>

E-Mail:         <INPUT NAME="customerEmail"SIZE=30>


<P><TEXTAREA NAME="feedbackWindow" ROWS=5 COLUMNS=65>


<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="custFeedback" VALUE="Submit Feedback">





dim addCrLf : addCrLf = Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

Sub custFeedback_OnClick

If Len(document.frmFeedback.customerEmail.value) = 0 then

     Alert "At a minimum, you must enter your e-mail address." & _

           "This allows us to respond to your comments."


     Msgbox "Your feedback will be submitted with an action of " & _

          document.frmFeedback.Action & addCrLf & _

          "Click the OK button to confirm."


End If

End Sub

Sub SubmitFeedback

MsgBox "Form was submitted."

MsgBox "The ACTION used is " & document.frmFeedback.Action & addCrLf & _

          "The METHOD used is " & document.frmFeedback.Method & addCrLf & _

          "The EncODING used is " & document.frmFeedback.Encoding & addCrLf & _

          "The TARGET for results from server is " & document.frmFeedback.Target

End Sub





Figure 32.7 : VBScript-enhanced feedback form.

This listing contains the VBScript code continuation character. When you see the underscore at the end of a line, it means the line actually continues to the next line, but the programmer decided to break it up so it's easier to read.

If you try to submit the form without filling in the required data, you'll see an alert box. (See Figure 32.8.) Although the current script looks only for the e-mail address, you can easily make other data entries mandatory, too.

Figure 32.8 : If you don't fill out the required fields, an alert box is displayed.

When you click the Submit Feedback button, you see the message box shown in Figure 32.9. Although this message box isn't essential to the script's working, it's an example of how you could let users verify that they wanted to submit the form.

Figure 32.9 : If you click the Submit Feedback button, a confirmation dialog box is shown.

Using Input Boxes

An input box is another type of dialog box. (See Figure 32.10.) You can use input boxes to accept input from users and pass the information to your scripts. By default, all input boxes have an input area. To display an input box, use the InputBox function as follows:

InputBox "Please enter a message to display."

Figure 32.10: Input boxes can be used to gather information from visitors to your Web site.

Because you expect input from the user, you should always assign the return value to a

userInput = InputBox ("Please enter a message to display.")

You can then evaluate the variable by using an If Then or Select Case structure, such as the following:

Select Case userInput

    Case "A"

      'Insert routine to handle this case

    Case "B"

      'Insert routine to handle this case

    Case "C"

      'Insert routine to handle this case

    Case Else

      'Insert routine to handle unknown or other category

End Select

Examine Listing 32.8 to see how input boxes can be used in scripts. By analyzing the script, you can see that an input box is continually displayed until the user enters a valid response. This is handled with a Do Until loop.

Listing 32.8. Getting input from the reader with an input box.



<TITLE>Using Input Boxes</TITLE>


H1  {font: 35pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}




<H1>Creating Input Boxes</H1>

<P>An input box is another type of dialog box. You can use input boxes

 to accept input from users and pass the information to your scripts. By

 default all input boxes have an input area.</P>

<P><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="myinputBox" VALUE="Display Input Box"></P>




dim addCrLf : addCrLf = Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

Sub myinputBox_OnClick

fullName = InputBox ("Please enter your Full name and e-mail address.")

' Ensures the user enters valid information

Do Until fullName <> ""

   fullName = InputBox ("You did not fill in the InputBox." & addCrLf & _

                       "Please enter your Full name and e-mail address.")


'Add call to routine that processes input here.

End Sub





Input boxes are very versatile and are similar to message boxes in that you can pass parameters to set different display aspects. The basic syntax for an input box is as follows:

userInput = InputBox ("The message to display", "Title for input box", "Default reponse",

                      x_position, y_position, helpFile, helpFileContext)

The first parameter you've seen many times before; you use it to specify the message to display.

The second parameter lets you specify a title for the input box, such as this:

userInput = InputBox ("Please verify with your user name.", "User Validation")

With the third parameter, you can specify a default response for the input box. Because users might want to erase the default text, it's always displayed in the input window. You can add a default response to an input box as follows:

userInput = InputBox ("Please verify with your user name.",

 "User Validation", "Name: ")

By default, input boxes appear in a central position onscreen. The next two parameters allow you to specify the exact positioning of the input box when it's displayed. The x_position is the position on the horizontal axis, and the y_position is the one on the vertical axis.

The x/y coordinates are determined a little differently from what you may be used to. The upper-left corner of the user's screen is at coordinate (0,0). As you move out to the right in a straight line, the x coordinates grow larger, and as you move down in a straight line, the y coordinates grow larger. Here's an example of selecting the initial display position for the input box:

userInput = InputBox ("Please verify with your user name.",

"User Validation",, 0, 100)

In the previous example, no default response is used. Because it uses parameters that follow the default response parameter, the parameter must still be accounted for, which is why you see two commas following the title information.

The final parameters for the input box are used with help files. Just as you can specify a help file for message boxes, you can also specify one for input boxes.

Figure 32.11 shows how you could use an input box to validate a user's name. In this example, the validated user's name is echoed to a text control on the page. To see how this was done, examine Listing 32.9.

Listing 32.9. Validating input.



<TITLE>Using Input Boxes</TITLE>


H1  {font: 35pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}




<H1>Input Boxes</H1>


VALUE="Please validate your user name."></P>

<FORM NAME="myForm">

<P>Returned Validation: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="textName" SIZE=50 MAXLENGTH=50>






Dim addCrLf : addCrLf = Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

Dim form

Set form = document.myForm

Sub myInput_OnClick

userInput = InputBox ("Please verify with your user name.", "User Validation")

' Ensures the user enters valid information

Do Until userInput <> ""

     userInput = InputBox ("You did not fill in a response!" & addCrLf & _

                 "Please verify with your user name.", "User Validation")


    form.textName.Value = "Your user name - " & userInput & _

     " - has been verified."

End Sub





Figure 32.11: Validating user input.

Writing to the Page with VBScript

With VBScript, you can dynamically update the page when it's accessed. You do this by
referring to a method of the document object. This object has been used in several previous examples when a script needed to refer to a form on the page, such as this:

Dim form

Set form = document.myForm

In the sample code, a form called myForm is referred to by a method call to the document

<FORM NAME="myForm">

<P>Returned Validation: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="textName" SIZE=50 MAXLENGTH=50>



You can refer to objects of the form by name:

form.textName.Value = "Your user name - " & userInput & _

Although you can certainly refer to controls placed in forms, you can also write directly to the page. You do this by using the document.write method. If you write to a document, you should add HTML markup, as appropriate, in the method call. When the page shown in Listing 32.10 is loaded, the script is automatically executed and the dynamic write updates the page instantly.

Listing 32.10. Using document.write.



<TITLE>Writing to Your Pages with VBScript</TITLE>






document.write "<H2>And welcome to my VBScript enhanced page!</H2>"





To see writing to a page in action, take a look at Figure 32.12. This example uses several
dynamic writes and also uses the Now function to display the current date and time. To see how this was done, examine Listing 32.11.

Listing 32.11. Dynamic writing to Web pages.



<TITLE>Writing to Your Pages with VBScript</TITLE>


H1  {font: 35pt Times; color: blue}

P  {font: 12pt Times; color: gray; text-indent: .5in; margin-right: 1in}






document.write "<H1>Using document.write</H1>"

document.write "<P>With VBScript, you can dynamically update a page when it is" _

 & "accessed. You do this by referencing a method of the document object.</P>"

document.write "<H2>You accessed this page at precisely: <BR><BR>" & Now & "</H2>"





Figure 32.12: Writing to documents dynamically.

Using the VBScript concepts you have learned, you can use dynamic writing to customize pages for users. One way to do this is shown in Figure 32.13. In this example, buttons on the page can be used to get customized information on a vacation package.

Figure 32.13: Click a button to get customized information.

Clicking a button updates the page. When you click the first button, the page is updated as shown in Figure 32.14. Examine Listing 32.12 to see how document.write was used to update the page dynamically.

Figure 32.14: Sample promotional information.

When you update a page after it's downloaded, the new material replaces existing material. To compensate for this, you should include all the markup necessary to display the page as you want it to be displayed. In the example, you will see that the subroutines use a <BODY> tag that sets the background color to white.

Listing 32.12. Customized information on demand.



<TITLE>Using VBScript to Dynamically Update Pages</TITLE>


.classB  {font: 20pt Times;

                color: black;

                background: red;

                margin: .1in}

.classA  {font: 15pt Times;

                font-weight: bold;

                color: red;

                background: black;

                margin: .15in}

H2 { font: 30 pt Times; color: white}




<IMG SRC="hawaii2.jpg" ALIGN="LEFT" BORDER="0">


<TR><TH CLASS=classB>Extreme Sports Hawaii Getaways</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>&nbsp;</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>Vacation to the Max</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>Luxury and Style</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>On The Edge of Life</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>Gear up to Overdrive</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>You'll Never Forget</TH>

<TR><TH  CLASS=classA>&nbsp;</TH>




<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>More Information For Your Extreme Vacation Now!</H2>

<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Downhill Mountain Biking at 60 MPH"


<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Surf Boarding From a 20,000 Ft Sky Dive"


<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Surf's Up Combo: Wind Surfing,

Surf Boarding and Paragliding" NAME="s2Vacation"></P>



<!-- Option Explicit

Sub m1Vacation_OnClick()

document.write "<BODY BGCOLOR=White>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Downhill Mountain Biking at 60 MPH</H2>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Speed = Ultimate Thrill</H2>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Experience a thrill few have ever tasted!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Left> Race downhill at speeds up to 60

miles per hour!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Hear the wind in your ears!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Left>Watch life rush past your eyes!</H3>"

document.write "<P>&nbsp;</P>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=31samp13.htm>Make Your

Reservations Today!</A></H3>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

End Sub

Sub s1Vacation_OnClick()

document.write "<BODY BGCOLOR=White>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Surf Boarding From a 20,000 Ft Sky Dive</H2>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Altitude = Maximum Challenge</H2>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Experience a thrill few have ever tasted!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Left> Sky surf while racing toward Earth!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Spin a 360!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Left>Hear the wind in your ears!</H3>"

document.write "<P>&nbsp;</P>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=31samp13.htm>Make Your

Reservations Today!</A></H3>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

End Sub

Sub s2Vacation_OnClick()

document.write "<BODY BGCOLOR=White>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Surf's Up Combo: Wind Surfing, Surf

Boarding and Paragliding</H2>"

document.write "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Combo = Thrills X 3</H2>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Wind surf Maui's Best Shores!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Left> Surf the Pipeline on the North

Shore of Oahu!</H3>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=Right>Paraglide in Honolulu!</H3>"

document.write "<P>&nbsp;</P>"

document.write "<H3 ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=31samp13.htm>Make Your

Reservations Today!</A></H3>"

document.write "<HR SIZE=10 NOSHADE>"

End Sub






Enhancing your Web pages with VBScript is easy. With HTML controls, you can create interactive buttons, text areas, checkboxes, and much more. Because VBScript takes advantage of existing HTML controls, you can easily perform complex tasks, such as validating form input. You can even submit your input to a server for processing after validation.

Another way to collect information from users is with input boxes, which let you prompt users for information that can be passed back to your script. VBScript also allows you to dynamically update pages based on user input so you can customize pages instantly.