Chapter 21

Publishing Other File Formats

by Jon M. Duff


Every computer file has a format. Unfortunately, most data formats were designed long before the Internet and the World Wide Web were even a glimmer in someone's eye. Because of this, publishing on the Web presents a completely different set of problems than does traditional publishing. You want to be able to take a file in file format Z and include it in your Web page or view it. The problem was that first-generation Web browsers only accepted files in formats A, B, and C (HTML, gif, and JPEG). Data formats recognized by a browser without additional resources, such as plug-ins, are called supported formats. If you must supplement your browser with additional resources to display, play, or hear a file, the file is in an unsupported format. As new generation browsers evolve, more of the commonly encountered text, graphic, and multimedia formats are supported without additional resources.

Many Web file format issues revolve around audio, video, animation, and multimedia applications. When you think about it, almost every entertainment medium is less effective when delivered via the Web. On the other hand, information published on the Web can be more flexible, more available, and often more usable than in its original form. Keep this fact in mind when choosing data in unsupported formats.

Publishing on the Web is a powerful way to distribute and gather information. Yet in almost all instances, it is unnecessary, even unwise, to distribute information in its native file format because of the following points:

In the following chapters, you will learn the ins and outs of making the most of varied resources on the Web. Consider this chapter to be a starting point for using exciting video, audio, multimedia, technical graphic, page layout, database, and spreadsheet information on your Web pages.

As browsers become more capable, taking on more of the characteristics of an operating environment, many of these issues will take care of themselves. Browsers will be able to provide text, vector and raster graphics, video, animation, and sound without additional resources. They will accept additional application formats with greater ease. But until that time, you'll have to juggle file formats if you work on the Web. This process entails one of three basic operations:

In this chapter, you do the following:

Web File Formats Explained

A collection of data, when it is committed to a storage medium, is organized in a standard way. This standard is referred to as its file format. File formats are recognized by standard file extensions, which take the form of a period followed by 1-3 characters. For Web work, always use lowercase file extensions. The formats that programs use to store data are called native file formats.

Table 21.1 lists file format extensions commomly encountered on the Web. Raster formats contain only information about bitmaps. Vector formats contain graphic information as calls to mathematical routines. Text formats contain alphanumeric information and formatting instructions. Meta formats contain raster, vector, and textual information. Formats using encoded data change the data structure for easier transmission. Compression is a type of encoding that decreases memory requirements by removing redundant or unnecessary information.

Macintosh and Windows 95 operating systems don't require file extensions because they use a creator type that's saved with the file. However, HTML does require file extensions to correctly locate and display files. Always use consistently correct file extensions even though they are not an operating system requirement.

Table 21.1 File Extensions and their descriptions

Type Description
MultimediaAuthorware Macintosh
MultimediaAuthorware Windows
AudioAudio Interchange
VideoAudio Video Interface
RasterWindows bitmap
MetaComputer graphics metafile
MultimediaMacromedia Director
TextMicrosoft Word
VectorAutoCAD drawing
VectorAutoCAD intermediate
MetaEncapsulated PostScript
AnimationAutoDesk animation
RasterGraphics interchange
CompressionGZIP compression format
EncodingMac byte-stream encoded
TextHypertext markup language
RasterHoint Photographic Experts Group
AudioMusical instrument digital
VideoQuickTime movie
VideoMotion Picture Experts Group
RasterWindows Paintbrush
portablePortable document format
MetaMacintosh picture
RasterPortable network graphic
SlidesPowerPoint presentation
PostScriptASCII PostScript file
RasterSilicon Graphics 24-bit color
CompressionSelf-extracting archive
RasterSun 24-bit color
RasterTruevision Targa 24-bit
RasterTagged image file format
textRaw, unformatted text
VideoCompressed live video
AudioWindows audio-visual
MetaWindows Meta file
TextVirtual reality modeling
CompressionPKZIP compression
CompressionZOO compression

The organization of native data is determined by programmers who create the application. It will differ from other file formats due to the unique needs of the application. For example, Word and WordPerfect files don't share the same format because the needs of each program are different. Inside the file, a textual passage may be the same, but the way that the text is recorded differs. Additionally, each program adds application-specific, operating system-specific, and platform-specific information (such as formats, links, or special characters).

Stripping this specific information from a native file creates an intermediate file format. Files in intermediate format are transportable between programs and platforms. However, stripping out the program-specific information may make certain features of the data unavailable.

You can reduce the amount of storage space required for given file by using a data compression format. In compression, redundant data (such as repeating characters in a text document, repeating numerals in a spreadsheet, or repeating pixels in a graphic) are replaced with identifiers or tokens that take up less space (fewer bits). Compressed files download faster but must be decompressed to be viewed or worked on and generally require more time to load. You must also have access to the correct codecs (compression-decompression). Uncompressed files load faster, but they require more storage space.

Many applications have proprietary compression algorithms. This feature usually shows up as a "Save Smaller" option and is tailored for and usually only recognized by the application. Avoid using proprietary program-based compression for files you want to publish on the Web.

You may be tempted to load a Web site with as many indications of your prowess as possible. Although doing so may be technologically interesting (and tons of fun), it may do nothing for the readability and effectiveness of the site. Follow these Golden Rules of Web File Formats:

  1. Use supported file formats first. Rely on your creativity and content knowledge, not on tricks.
  2. Publish textual, numerical, graphical, visual, or auditory data only if it enhances the effectiveness of the site.
  3. Translate unsupported files into supported file formats first.
  4. Always choose a file format with the lowest practicable data transmission requirements that still satisfies design and communication requirements.
  5. Never force a client to do anything other than browse. Provide links to video, animation, sound, and multimedia.
  6. Embed resources for unsupported file formats in the Web site if translation into a supported format isn't feasible or possible.
  7. Point to URLs for file format resources that are unsupported and for which you haven't embedded the resource in your site.

Supported Web Formats

Text is read by the browser in plain ASCII text format (.txt). All the special instructions of a word processor are not needed because HTML structures and formats the text as it is read and displayed. Is this a limitation? Hardly. HTML is a structural formatting language, not a page description language like PostScript. A structural formatting language emphasizes content and structure, which are more important than appearance for the communication of information.

Graphics are supported in 8-bit, 256 color CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format (.gif) or in the more capable 24-bit Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg) format. Because there is no standard object imaging display language across pc, Mac, and UNIX platforms, graphics are supported only in raster format. Is this a limitation? Again, hardly. The vast majority of potential display monitors are limited to 8-bit (256) colors, 640x480 pixel screen dimensions, and 72-80 dpi (.25-.28 mm) resolution. Choose file formats appropriate for your audience.

Sound, video, and animation were not part of the original Web vision because, until recently, browsing computers were not configured to make use of multimedia resources. Is this a limitation in delivering Web-based publications? If these multimedia features are indespensible for the effectiveness of your Web publication, it could be.

MIME Data Types

In order for files of different types and formats to be correctly encoded and decoded, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) standard is used. Each file is tagged so that servers can send the files and browsers can interpret them. The relationship between the MIME decoder and external programs (helper applications, plug-ins) is established in your browser. Figure 21.1 shows the Netscape browser's provision for establishing MIME types for expected file types and helper applications.

Figure 21.1 : Establishing MIME types in Netscape's browser.

MIME is divided into various content types. Each content type is subdivided into data types. Table 21.2 shows this organization and Table 21.3 lists common MIME types encountered on the Web.

Table 21.2. Organization of common MIME content and data types.

Data Description
Plain ASCII text with no formatting
Enriched Word-processed text text formatted
Basic Single-channel, 8-bit sound
gif 8-bit color raster image
JPEG 24-bit color raster image
TIFF 24-bit color raster image
MPEG Video and audio
QuickTime Video and audio
Octet-stream Binary data
PostScript PostScript data
Mac-binhex Mac-encoded data and resource

Table 21.3. Common file formats and their corresponding MIME types.

MIME Type Subtype

Display Options for Unsupported File Formats

You've determined that you want to use an unsupported file format on your Web page. What are your options? First, you can use the <EMBED> tag to include the plug-in for that format in the HTML page specification. This is called an embedded plug-in and displays the file actively on the page just like a supported file type (see Figure 21.2). It presents the most seamless and natural solution.

Figure 21.2 : An embedded video running on a Web page.

The second option is to anchor the file using the <A HREF=> tag. When the appropriate plug-in is in the browser's plug-in directory and matches the file's MIME and file extension types, a separate full-page browser window is opened and the file is displayed. This is shown in Figure 21.3. This option is appropriate when the information is best viewed separately, removed from the page.

Figure 21.3 : A full-page display of an unsupported graphic file type.

Browser Helper Apps and Plug-Ins

A helper application is a program residing on the user's hard disk that extends the functionality of a browser. When associated with a file type by its extension, this program is called a helper app. You can see why it's so important to use a consistent file extension scheme. For example, assume you want to view animations in AutoDesk's .flc format. You can set up your browser to do one of the following:

The strong point of using a helper app is that you can have much greater control over interacting with the file than if you simply play or view the file in the browser. The downside of using a helper app is that the operation of your browser is interrupted, which changes the natural flow of information.

A plug-in also extends functionality by adding the capability to display files in formats not naturally understood (supported) by your browser. When the browser is launched, it looks into its plug-ins directory and builds a list of the MIME and file types supported by the plug-ins located there. These plug-ins aren't loaded at this time; they are loaded only when an <EMBED> or an <A HREF> tag calls for a file type in the list.

Most people find as many plug-ins as they can and put them in their plug-ins directory. That way, whenever the browser encounters a nonsupported file type, it will look for a plug-in that will display it. For plug-ins to work, the server and your browser must match file and MIME types. Many plug-ins can be downloaded directly from the URLs listed in the next section. Remember, plug-ins have no permanent overhead. Each utility is loaded when needed and flushed from memory when you leave the Web page that needed it.

By having the largest collection of plug-ins, you have access to the coolest sites and their content on the Web. However, plug-ins are browser-dependent, and as you change browsers or upgrade from one version of a browser to another, you may also have to update your plug-ins. Refer to the previous discussion of MIME types for additional information on configuring plug-ins. Plan ahead for demanding temporary plug-in memory requirements by allocating as much memory to your browser as you can.

Resources for Publishing Unsupported File Formats

Companies want you to include their files in your Web pages and generally distribute plug-ins to help you. The easier it is to get their product's files published, the greater their potential market share. However, plug-ins are platform- and browser-specific. Not everyone has bought into Netscape's plug-in specification. Remember your potential market when you plan on using file formats that require additional resources.

Plug-ins are generally compressed to make download times as short as possible. Configure your browser to recognize typical compression formats. For Windows computers, files will usually be in .zip format. Configure PKUNZIP to extract these files. Find PKUNZIP at After you unzip a plug-in, place it in the browser's plug-in directory and restart your browser.

For Macintosh computers, files will be in binhex format and stuffed as a self-extracting archive in .sea format. Use Stuffit Expander to extract these files. Find Stuffit Expander at After you unstuff a plug-in, place it in the browser's plug-in folder and restart your browser.

On the UNIX side, files are often encountered in GZIP's .gz format. More than one file can be compressed into a single GZIP archive. As part of a UNIX pipeline, files can be sent to the GZIP codec for compression or decompression and passed along for storage or to another program. In addition to GZIP, UNIX users will run across ZOO files in .zoo format. This technique uses LZW lossless compression to reduce the size of files within a ZOO archive and packs the data after archiving to remove previous versions of the data.

Most plug-ins are available freely for noncommercial purposes such as browsing, public service, or self-promotion. If you want to include a plug-in in a commercial site, a small licensing fee is usually charged. If you plan on making money, the software companies should make some money too.

Almost every new release of software touts itself as "Web-enabled." This feature is usually an option to save or export the data as an HTML file. Explore this option first and you may not need to locate additional resources. However, be prepared to do some fine-tuning because the HTML code probably won't do exactly what you want.

The following information is organized alphabetically by file type. The list is by no means exhaustive, but it represents a good cross-section of technical, corporate, and graphical file types one encounters in Web publications.

.a3w, .a3m

Format:Macromedia Authorware
Plug-in name:Shockwave for Authorware
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in plays Authorware applications that have been processed with Afterburner.


Format:Adobe Illustrator illustration

Export files in this format as .eps graphics. Use the FIGleaf Inline or Adobe Acrobat plug-ins to publish these files in .eps format (see .eps listing for more information).


Format:Audio Interchange file
Plug-in name:KM's Multimedia Plug
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac

This plug-in plays sampled sounds and musical instruments used on Macintosh and SGI platforms.


Format:Gold Disk Astound presentation
Plug-in name:Astound Web Player
Platforms:Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95

This plug-in plays back Astound slide presentations from within your Web pages.


Format:Microsoft Audio Video Interface
Plug-in name:ClearFusion
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in plays .avi movies with user control. These files can be very large, requiring significant download times for dial-up connections. For compressed .avi movies, see .viv format.


Format:Windows bitmap
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form

This plug-in streams .bmp raster graphics into your browser.


Format:Computer graphics metafile
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in streams .cgm graphics into your browser. Because .cgm is a vector format, a pop-up menu gives the viewer zooming options.


Format:Macromedia Director movie
Plug-in name:Shockwave for Director
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in plays Director movies that have been processed with Afterburner.


Format:Microsoft Windows text document

Save files in this format as HTML documents or use Sausage's Hot Dog editor (available at to convert them to HTML.


Format:AutoDesk drawing
Plug-in name:AutoCAD DXF Viewer
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

AutoCAD drawings in .dwg format carry considerable application-specific file information and can be several megabytes in file size. Convert these drawings to .dxf format and remove geometry and notes not required for Web browsing. For viewing on Macintosh platforms, save the file in EPS format using the EPSOUT option and use the FIGleaf Inline plug-in.


Format:Drawing interchange
Plug-in name:AutoCAD DXF Viewer
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

This format is AutoCAD's intermediate vector file format. Its universal acceptance enables files from other CAD programs to be displayed on the Web.


Format:Encapsulated PostScript
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .eps graphics into your browser. This plug-in provides access to the huge amounts of PostScript art available as clip art as well as the output from PostScript illustration programs such as Freehand, Illustrator, and CorelDRAW!. See also .pdf format.


Format:Macromedia Freehand Illustration
Plug-in name:Shockwave for Freehand
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in displays Freehand vector illustrations without turning them into fixed-resolution bitmaps. As vector files, the graphics are of considerably smaller file size.


Format:AutoDesk animation

Convert files in this format to .avi format in Animator Studio or to .mov format in Graphic Converter and use the appropriate plug-in. Or use Astound's Web Player. Find this plug-in at


Format:Graphics interchange
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .gif graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:Joint Photographic Experts Group
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .jpg graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:Musical instrument digital interface
Plug-in name:KM's Multimedia Plug
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac

This plug-in plays MIDI music files with user control.


Format:Motion Picture Experts Group
Plug-in name:KM's Multimedia Plug
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac

Multimedia Plug plays .mpg video and animation files with user control.

Format:Motion Picture Experts Group
Plug-in name:InterVU MPEG Player
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

InterVU lets you know how much of the file has been downloaded.


Format:QuickTime movie
Plug-in name:Apple QuickTime Plug-in
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac
Format:QuickTime movie
Plug-in name:Apple QuickTime Plug-in for Windows
Platforms:Windows 3.1, Windows 95

This plug-in plays back inline QuickTime movies and movies with MIDI soundtracks. A great technique for low-overhead background music is to make a blank movie with MIDI sound.


Format:Windows Paintbrush
Plug-in name:Quick View Plus
Platforms:Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

On the Macintosh side, convert files in this format to .jpg format in Photoshop, Hyjaak Pro, or DeBabelizer and include them with the <IMG SRC=> tag in an HTML document.


Format:Adobe Portable Document Format
Plug-in name:Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac, Windows 95, Windows NT

Adobe's Portable Document Format creates a scalable, resolution-independent, searchable, and hyperlinkable text file out of any compliant PostScript file. Any word processor, page layout, graphics, database, or spreadsheet program that can print PostScript to a disk file is a candidate for using the .pdf format.
Additionally, existing documents can be scanned into .pdf format-a technique that makes existing publications and documents Web-ready. Of course, to do all this, you need Adobe's Acrobat Reader plug-in.


Format:Macintosh picture
Plug-in name:KM's Multimedia Plug
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac

This plug-in displays .pic object and raster data.


Format:Adobe PageMaker Page Layout

When you have files in this format, use PageMaker HTML Addition in release 6 to convert them to an HTML document. PageMaker 6.5 also provides a facility to directly write .pdf files.


Format:Portable network graphics
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .png graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
Plug-in name:PointPlus Viewer
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

PowerPoint presentations must be converted to NetScene's .slc format for viewing. PowerPoint 5 includes a Save as HTML option that makes the need for a plug-in less critical.


Format:Quark Express page layout

Use Quark HTML Xtension found in version 3.5 to convert files in this format into an HTML document.


Format:Silicon Graphics RGB
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .rgb graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:Rich text

Use Microsoft Word to read the .rtf file, and then save the file as an HTML document.


Format:Sun raster
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .sun graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:Targa raster graphic

Convert files in this format to .jpg format in Photoshop, Hyjaak Pro, or DeBabelizer and include them with the <IMG SRC=> tag in an HTML document.


Format:Tagged image file
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .tif graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window.


Format:ASCII text

You can include files in this format directly in HTML files with proper formatting and structuring tags. Use products such as Hot Dog or BBEdit to add tags.


Format:Compressed live video
Plug-in name:Vivoactive
Platforms:Windows 95

This plug-in displays the first frame of a VivoActive compressed live video while the rest of the file continues to load. Download both the Player and the Producer so you can create compact .viv files from .avi videos.


Format:Windows Audio Video Exchange
Plug-in name:KM's Multimedia Plug
Platforms:Mac, Power Mac

This plug-in plays .wav audio files with user control.


Format:Windows metafile
Plug-in name:FIGleaf Inline
Platforms:Power Mac coming, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX) available in beta form for download

This plug-in streams .wmf graphics into your browser. This plug-in gives you greater control over color palette assignments, border characteristics, and whether the graphic appears on the page, in a new window overlaying the current window, or in a new window substituting for the existing window. A zoom pop-up menu allows you to magnify areas of the display.


Format:Corel WordPerfect text document

Print files in this format to disk as PostScript and view in your browser in .pdf format using Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in, or place them into a page layout program and use Xtension (Quark) or Addition (PageMaker) to create an HTML file.


Format:Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
Plug-in name:Netscape Live3D
Platforms:Power Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

This plug-in allows the viewer to navigate around VRML worlds using navigation bars and controls.


Format:Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Product name:Hot Dog
Platforms:Windows 95, Windows NT

Use Sausage Software's Hot Dog HTML editor to turn Excel worksheets into HTML tables. Save Excel 5.0 for Windows 95 worksheets directly as HTML documents.

File Formats Q&A

I'm planning a Web site but I have no idea what browsers will be used to access it. What should I do about publishing unsupported file formats?
This is a matter of design philosophy. First, design your site for the lowest level graphic browser. (The time for text-only browsers has passed. It's time to upgrade!) Don't substitute bells and whistles for sound design, layout, and graphics. Second, include unsupported file types only if they are critical to the success of your site. A general-purpose informational site's needs for unsupported file formats is much less than one targeted to a specific group who may have specific needs to see, hear, or use information.
Do I have more flexibility in designing an intranet?
Absolutely. An intranet should specify a browser and default plug-in package. Plus, it's much more common for members within a company to need information in native application file formats.
A friend of mine gave me several plug-ins but they don't work. What did I do wrong?
Well, where should I start? Are the plug-ins for the same platform? Are they for compatible operating systems on the same platform (Mac 68XXX vs. Ppc; Windows 3.11 vs. 95 vs. NT)? If so, are they for the same or compatible browser? Did you put the plug-ins in the correct directory or folder?
I want to design my own plug-in. Where do I start?
Such an ambitious goal! You'll need to know as much as possible about how the data within the file format is structured. You normally get this information from the software vendor or by dissecting a test file. You may have to enter into a developer's agreement with the vendor to have access to this information. You'll also need the Netscape Plug-in Software Development Kit available at
My company has extensive libraries of TIFF images that I want to make available on the Web. What's the best way to do this?
First, understand that the TIFF format is a print media format. It works best when sending continuous tone images to imagesetters for screens and halftones. There is no advantage to publishing TIFF images on the Web, unless you want clients to eventually use the TIFF files for their own printing. A better solution is to selectively convert the TIFF images to JPEG format and include them as a supported graphic file type.


Great Web sites make use of data in many forms: text, graphics, sound, and multimedia. In this chapter, you developed an understanding of how Web browsers handle data in different file formats. Hopefully, you also developed an understanding of the appropriateness of including certain types of data. You now know the importance of correctly establishing MIME data types so that Web servers and browsers can sucessfully transfer and read information stored in many formats. Armed with this knowledge, you are now able to choose between displaying files inline or opening a separate browser window. Finally, you have been presented a series of strategies for including a multitude of file types in Web publications.

The Web landscape is constantly changing. The resources cited in this chapter simply represent a snapshot of what is currently available. Be prepared to do additional browsing to locate the latest and greatest Web resources. Now that you have a better understanding of file formats and how to get them into your Web page, learn how to include animation, sound, and interactivity by reading the chapters in Part V, "Extending Your Site with Multimedia."